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.Saturday, August 4, 2007 ' 8:39 PM Y

i am rotting!
i cannot come out!T.T
& tomorrow gona be the same :(
spend my time changing a new blogskins,
because i have nothing to do at home =/
blah blah blah, i am crapping =x
i've got no phone to sms..
i miss you lahs! X(
& FINALLY SISTERS are ok already!
PHEW~ lets cherish each other, and stay united as long as we could,
i am sure we can do it!
Please Don't Hurt Or Snatch Them Away, Or I'll Give You Hell! _!_
lalalalas, i am BORED BORED BORED!

You're all I ever wanted ;

.Friday, August 3, 2007 ' 8:48 PM Y

& these are the photo taken in zoo, there are somemore but i think i shall post all this can already(: takecare peepo

You're all I ever wanted ;

. ' 4:47 PM Y

THAT WHITE HAIR LAO PUBOR DON'T WANT RETURN ME MY SIM CARD!!!!! IDIOTIC MUSHROOM _!_ what th fuck is this man? even my sim card also don't want return me! you think you what? even my mum ask you to return you also dont want!? & its all BECAUSE OF THAT PUBOR OI! _!_ since you want make my life so miserable i shall make yours too, a more miserable ones(: PUBOR OI!

Gosh! what am i going to do without a handphone beside me? i can't sms neither can i call! &amp; & i just topped up my handphone, and you want confiscate it for 10 weeks? actually its alright with me, all i want is my SIM CARD! handphone you want keep for how long, i also dont care, all i want is my sim card!!!!! and you this pubor don't want give me back! Getting real sick of this fugging school!All teachers are so unreasonable, they always thinks that what they say or do are always right and what we say or do are always wrong! all they know is to punish us, give us SIP, notebook,suspension.. whats else do they want?sometimes even though its their fault, they still will say its our fault, its so UNFAIR can!? anyway life isn't fair at all(: starting to feels that life is so boring, meaningless, our life are just a cycle, morning wakes up,goes to school to study, after school went home, eat , watch tv, then sleep and next day wakes up the same routine goes on and on, what else can we do?FUCKLIFE! i am beginning to miss my primary school life, at least it wasn't so complicated as it is right now, at least we wont quarrel and we are easily contented with what we have.. i still remember that we had such a big bunch of friends, boys and girls playing catching together(: i know it sounds childish but it was the moment that everyone of us enjoys alot but now, hais, everyone of us are in different school already, the chance of contacting each other are getting lesser and lesser again. and primary school teachers aren't as FUCK UP as secondary school teacher! they are more reasonable! i seriously misses my primary school friends alot! x( and sisters problem are a real headache! actually what josie sister says are true, sisters are already dispersed since the day when we are in different class. we've got different group of friend already, the time we spend together are getting lesser and lesser and till now we didn't meet up or go out together, or i can say that, we sister didn't even go out before in a group!how are things going to work out in this way man? hais, i seriously don't know what to do :( are we no more sister? i seriously dont want to lose this sistership x( still remember we spent mostly our time together during school day last year? can we start all over again?


You're all I ever wanted ;

.Thursday, August 2, 2007 ' 7:08 PM Y

& finally my blog had recover(: Wenta to meet rachel&bokbok in the morning and had breakfast, vivian came after that, walked to school and do art.. During assembly, that ms soo called out my name&peiling name cause we didn't sit according to our index number. Nothing wrong with it what?i mean we had been sitting there for quite some time already and till now she then call,isn't she abit slow?somemore its like even my form teacher could do nothing with it and why she still bother so much ehs?_!_ was so pissed off by her today!

Wenta back to class, mdm vanitha didn't come today!xD anyway first period wasn't hers, it was Mr ben chew period and he was angry of us cause we are making so much noise that he can't teach? he even wrote names of us in the class dairy luckily he strike off mine if not later notebook again =/ and aft that was maths, wenta to hall for relieve period(: was sitting there chit-chatting and 3b1 came , was waiting for her to come over at least to say something but she didn't?why? why all this things must happen to SISTERS? it seems like SISTERS must go through lots and lots of obstacle before we could get together ehs? why must this happen to us? must SISTERS go through all this then can be called as SISTERS? aiya WHATEVER!

Back to the story, the bell rang and velarie,vivian&i went to find Ms koh for the art thingy. manage to find her at the art gallery, saw 3 art piece done by a china guy from 3b1, it was so fugging nice can!? saw josie sister and chit-chatted with her for awhile too(: wenta back to class and its english lesson! yenling and sophia came over and told us that today theres a spot check of handphone and both velarie&i got panic cause we got phones with us and i had done the MOST STUPIDEST THING IS THAT I ACTUALLY ASK THAT PU BOR OI TO KEEP OUR PHONE FOR US AND SHE FUCKING SAY SEE FIRST & IN THE END SHE GO BAOTOH MS SOO! PCB! and ms soo came up twice! the first time she search our bags and pocket and asked us to do jumpingjecks, hoping tht even if we kept the phone inside AHEM* also will drop but luckily muackmuack never drop mine and so nobody phone kena =/ and the PUBOR OI must have told ms soo that i asked her to keep phone for us & ms soo asked me to go down the DM room with her, me alone! TMD! Was questioned by her, took my chemistry test in her room cause she dont let me go up and even i went to the toilet she also want follow! WTF can!? SO SO SO PISSED OFF BY HER nurhs! and hey ms soo think u can seperate the SISTERS up?luckily they believed me that i didn't say anything out(: &amp;amp;amp;amp; & ms soo so erxin dabian can!? even my bra she also want to confiscate it!? WALAO! anyway she confiscated my phone and don't want to return me my card >:(

Wenta for the oral exam after that, finishes mine and walk out, that bokbok dont want take the oral exam, ask him go back also don't want, TMD! then theres a tigeress teacher shouting and shouting at gabriel cause she said she cheated! and all oral examiner came out and talk to him cause gabriel walks out of the hall and shouted at tht tigeress teacher. waited for Vivian and went to have my tom yam cup cup noodle with bokbok(: after that home sweet home(:


You're all I ever wanted ;

. ' 6:33 AM Y


Went to meet up with vivian, rachel&lewei at MOMO tea and had breakfast at 846(: walked to school, the 7.25 bell rang and we quickly sat down.. ms soo asked those people who are late to stand but none of us stand =/ Had english as first period followed by maths then chemistry. both vivian&i drew a bee, its our masterpiece norhs!Maybe it looks weird to you people but both vivian&i find it cute worhs(: Wenta for art lesson,5 period! Continue to finish colouring our designed clothes, its the first time that we were so serious in doing our art! and my effort is not wasted for using 5 period in colouring and drawing(:
After the 5 period of art, wenta back to class for Lskill period and came to know that bokbok went back home because of stomach upset and he ask the D&T teacher to go smell the toilet cause he don't believe bokbok stomach pain =/ LAUGH! had lunch with vivian,pei pei peiling,alfred&jiaxin .


Had breakfast with vivian,rachel&bokbok in the morning and walked to school(: had our usual lesson, still joke around with my bunch bitchy sister bokbok, vivian&velarie xD day without them in class was really bored nurhs! luckily i had them with me if not life in class would be boring =/ Wenta to science lab for chemistry did some experiment with pei pei peiling, kinda fun! xD & jiaxin was dulan of someone =/ & stupid bokbok is such a joker, keep saying that "i had lost my ball ,can i check your bag to see if my balls are inside?" LAUGH! actually we are di siao-ing someone nurhs thats why he keep saying this(: after lesson, bus-ed home, finally home sweet home(:

when i first saw the blog, i was really fed-up, why my sister had became their sister? has she forgotten us already? she don't want us as sister already? all this went through my mind when i first saw the blog =/ some more when i first saw the friendship band in her blog, i was like thinking even worst, has they snatch my sister away already? hais, i don't know :( why do our groups of sister always had such things happen?maybe this is what SISTERS are called bahs? i wasn't really sure =x i admit i was jealous, jealous because why my sister are so close with her other group of sisters? they even had blog, maybe they had something that our group of sister don't have bahs? i don't know? & i didn't dislike you all, how could i siol? as i said to you, one is my clumsy sister, the other is chocolate pie and besties too and the rest were my ex-classmate and friends, how could i dislike you all ehs? hais =/ alright, i guess i shall not went on but i still do believe what my sister had said, her heart will always have us, no matters what u do, i will support you de(: i love all my sister, & my clumsy sister <33 & SISTERS ALWAYS COME FIRST! i swear!(:


HUIMIN}-RACHEL: o.O pig your head lehs! xD yups, he is lame =.- HAHAS(:

HUIMIN}-YENLING: clumsy clumsy<3>

HUIMIN}-WEILIANG: emo liang sibo!? LAUGH! erlerhs =/ <3333s

HUIMIN}-'-don:o.O wall how to fuck siol? hahas, suresure ehs, of course will takecare de nurhs, she's my sister ehs(: you takecare too uhs, btw u like calling me XIONG hoh? mr DUR IAN =.-

You're all I ever wanted ;

.Wednesday, August 1, 2007 ' 6:03 PM Y


You're all I ever wanted ;

.Wednesday, July 25, 2007 ' 6:30 PM Y

i am back(: today morning wenta to meet rachel&vivian at th momo tea shop with pei pei peiling(: but vivian didn't appear so we went to have breakfast without her. it was already 7.13 when we finished our breakfast so we quickly walk to school norhs, on th way i threw my cup of soya milk into a recycle bin =.- only aft throwing, i then realise tht it is a can recycle bin =x
Had assembly, wenta to th toilet rachel recommended us LAUGH* went to th staff toilet, it smell nice nurhs! lol! walk back to parade square and saw vivian over there, she was late. run for our 2.4, both lewei&i didn't run cause we are tired. somemore shunquan distribute the ice cream stick which makes all the runner who pass have to retake again =.- luckily lewei&i didn't run if not waste our energy=x poor peiling, had to retake the test even though she passed her 2.4 =/ got scolded by Mdm salwana, also not our fault,wtf nurhs!
Had maths period aft tht but mdm vanitha only came in 15 mins before the bell rang. Mr ben chew came in and talks about accident and he told us he had seen a scary accident before which is the human head is under the truck wheel, and he claim tht the head is flat! GOSH! and i imagine tht if one night, the truck pass by Mr chew, and the wheel become the head and turn 360 degree, OMG nurhs! anyway SS period were taken by Ms xu as she had a softball match in the afternoon and so, we had an early 5 mins recess(: chit-chatted with yenling and some of the F9 too(:
Went up to the hall as Mr naufal didn't come today and di siao peiling & jiaxin LAUGH! and i made a chicken joke cans!? only those who were there knows! LMAO! sees the boy play, lie on each other and with alfred lying on them, LOL! walk back to class, had english period, di siao the name of the teacher and ms oi is so cute cans!? she has such a pinkish Rosy cheeks hahas(: physic was fine and social studies, we copied the notes and both saeed&bokbok go make fun of all name nurhs! LOL! after tht, cabbed home with vivian(:
HUIMIN}-♥ Xiao Ying:yups,okays suresure ehs(: forget the past makes you more happier nehs xD shall relink you later alright, <333s
HUIMIN}-RACHEL: yups, very oily but quite nice ehs, the chilly not bad worhs(: cause wenta more easier mahs? hahas yups, typing error xDsend you huan ji already ehs..
HUIMIN}-Lewei:hahas, you're welcome ehs(: put at frirndster ahs! xD
HUIMIN}-WEILIANG:hahas, you're welcome ehs(: iloveyou too xD MISSES, you also take good care of yourself this few day worhs! xD
HUIMIN}-YENLING:LAUGH! so long didn't go zoo already mahs, so tot of going there lohs! hoho(: ya norhs, go there so hot, later fever don't need go school more better hahas <333s
HUIMIN}-JIAWENN:hahas, its alright nurhs! anyway thanks thanks(:
HUIMIN}-♥ VIVIAN: typing error(: ya norhs, so sian! BORING! i bet you must be enjoying with him le ehs LAUGH!

& your sideview reminds me of your brother SIGH! T.T

You're all I ever wanted ;







My LOVE; one & only(:










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